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About Pop-Pop Firearms Training

Current Instructor Certifications


Texas DPS - LTC Instructor ID - 02567532

Texas DPS - School Safety Instructor

NRA - Instructor ID - 251851689

Certified Pistol Instructor

Certified Rifle Instructor

Certified Shotgun Instructor

Certified Personal Protection in the Home Instructor

Certified Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructor

Certified CCW Instructor

Chief Range Safety Officer


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Texas DPS Licensed

LTC Instructor


Texas DPS Licensed

School Safety Instructor

Image by Simeon Jacobson
Personalized Approach

Every training group is different and my goal is to cater to each group dynamic and adjust instruction so each person has the best chance to benefit from our time together.

Hunter Aiming Rifle
Excellence and Professionalism 

Being a lifetime gun enthusiast, a lifetime member of the NRA and a LTC/CHL for over a decade, my knowledge and experience and passion for self defense provide a solid platform for firearms instruction

Lecture Room
Extensive Educational Background

I have taught in colleges, universities and high school for over two decades.  I have a Ph.D. (A.B.D.) in Instructional Design and Development.  With education in my bones, I am readily able to use the most successful and innovative classroom techniques to ensure the best learning experience.

Please feel free to verify my credentials with Texas DPS here...

Please feel free to verify my credentials with the NRA here...

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Ready to Get Started?
Do you want to be safer? Or more comfortable with firearms.
Call Now: 469-688-9045

Pop-Pop Firearms Training

© 2023 by PopPopFT

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